Wait at the Door

Do you have a dog that sees an open door as an invitation, or worse yet, a challenge? Even if your puppy goalie game is on point, there is an easier way to get your food delivery or Amazon package! Teaching your dog how to wait at the front door not only shows them how to behave, it improves their self-control so that you can open your door with confidence!

Join Amy, Kyleth, and Izzy on a real-time training session where I break down the steps into achievable, bite-sized chunks to make it easy and fun for everyone.

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What you’ll learn

An overview of the training supplies used: Bait Bag, My Training mix and why it works, and a review of clickers and alternatives so you can choose tools that work for you.

A real-time training session with breakdowns of steps

Written worksheet to keep you on track

Troubleshooting common issues when teaching “wait”